Tag Brush- Roselli

My tag brush that is shown above contains the logo I made in Illustrator. The reason I made this logo is because it is a good representation of myself and a lot of other people in the world. It shows a smiley face with a sad face at the same time. I wanted to create this to reflect on both the happy and sad emotions in a person.

To create the tag brush we started with making an outline of our logo so nothing would completely hide it. Then I added the spray paint affect and lastly the scratches. I think these looks and effects went so well with my logo, I am so happy with how it turned out. Finally, I printed 4 more on my paper. I did this because I thought it looked too plain with only a couple so I wanted to make a figuration out of it. As for the color I picked pink and blue to represent both boy and a girl. I liked this idea because it shows how we all have the same emotions inside.


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