What is the internet?

 The internet is a network that connects all computers around the whole world. The internet allows people to communicate through many ways including email, texts, phone calls, and more. You can share information and communicate with people anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. The internet moves information and data from one place to another, this allows us to do all the things we are able to do today all because of Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf, the inventors of the internet. On October 29th, 1969, the first message was delivered from one computer to another. This shortly became the "networks to networks" that is now modern internet. 

The World Wide Web is an "interconnected system of public webpages accessible through the internet". The Web and the Internet are not the same, they are different because the Web was actually built on top of the internet. The World Wide Web also works very differently, it is a systems of interlinked, hypertext documents which is accessed through the Internet. This way the World Wide Web enables the display of texts and media on to your computer or device. The Web was invented by a scientist named Tim Berners-Lee, he invited this when he was working at his CERN. The reason he made this because it was originally supposed to be developed to demand information between scientist in universities. The World Wide Web is used today to share work through social networking sites, blogs and video sharing.

The World Wide Web have their differences and similarities but they bounce of each other. Like I said above the World Wide Web was built on top of the internet, which means it was used when it was created. The pages you see when you are online are examples of the World Wide Web while the internet is the network that is giving you that connection to be able to work.

This is the first website that was created which was on August 6th, 1991 by Tim Berners Lee and it is still up till this day.



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